On the front page!
Les violences sexistes font largement référence au sexisme ordinaire qui peut se manifester par des remarques ou des blagues gênantes, des insultes, des discriminations fondées sur le genre.
Selon le cursus que vous intégrerez à la rentrée 2024, la marche à suivre pour réserver un logement diffère. Suivez les consignes ci-dessous pour réserver un logement et débuter votre scolarité avec sérénité.
First of all, go to the reservation website: logement.cesal.fr.
Mise à jour de nos tarifs au 1er juillet 2024
À compter du 1er juillet 2024, nos tarifs évolueront afin de refléter les ajustements nécessaires basés sur les indices et régulations officiels.
Communication Oraux Centrale Supelec 2023
Dear candidate,
If you are reading this, it means that you will soon be a candidate for the CentraleSupélec orals. Congratulations on your career!
The 2023 orals are divided into four sessions:
1ère session : semaine du 19 juin
2ème session : semaine du 26 juin
3ème session : semaine du 3 juillet
4ème session : semaine du 10 juillet
Concours de design de logo !
Nous sommes ravis de dévoiler les gagnants de notre récent concours de design de logo pour notre communauté WhatsApp : Césal – NO SPAM.
Ce concours a été une bonne occasion de découvrir les talents de nos résidents et de célébrer leur créativité.
Informations : Olympic Games 2024
Cette année les Jeux Olympiques 2024 se tiendront à Paris, et plus globalement en Île-de-France. Cet évènement nécessite un dispositif de sécurité très important, réparti sur une vaste zone. C’est pourquoi certaines résidences ont été approchées afin d’héberger, durant la période, les forces de l’ordre en charge de l’évènement.
Campagne de prolongation et de renouvellement des baux pour l'année scolaire 2024-2025
[Césal lance officiellement sa campagne de prolongation et de renouvellement des baux !]
Would you like to live at Césal from the start of the new school year? Would you like to extend your current lease slightly so that you can enjoy the summer in peace? Then this campaign is for you!
What is the difference between an extension and a renewal?
Concours Photo Césal 2023 !
Pour la troisième année consécutive Césal à organiser, au sein de ses résidences, son fameux concours photo !
Celui-ci s’est déroulé il y a près d’un mois, du 17 mars au 14 avril 2023 !
But, what does this competition consist of?
This contest is open to all residents who are part of Cesal and wish to participate. The objective is to...
Let's go for the 26th edition of the 4L TROPHY!
The 4L Trophy: what is it?
If you like discovering new countries as well as driving, this solidarity car raid is a must!
Each year this event gathers more than 3,000 participants. It is the largest orienteering rally in the world. It is intended for young people and students aged 18 to 28 years...
- How to book ?
First of all, go to the reservation website: logement.cesal.fr.
Then follow the steps below:
1. If you don't have one yet, create your resident space.
2. Select your arrival date from those proposed
- This is when your lease will start...
Deployment of the QR code "Your Essentials" throughout our campus
New means of communication at Césal! Your essentials at your fingertips!
Cesal is pleased to announce that a new step towards the digitalization of our communication has recently been deployed.
A partir du 23/08/2022, un QR code sera accessible à tous nos résidents pour leurs permettre d’accéder à des documents essentiels …
New service at Césal! T-Room to serve you!
Césal is pleased to announce the launch of the new T-Room service.
T-Room aims to improve the availability of equipment and will lead to a real improvement in your well-being.
This service, which is entirely free of charge for everyone, aims to anticipate as much as possible the malfunctions that are part of normal use of the accommodation and to avoid residents having to report them or having to endure them when they leave.
Redesign of the website
Césal is delighted to announce its new website, which went online at the beginning of April 2022. The aim of this website redesign is to merge Césal and Césal Résidentiel on a single platform.
This redesign aims to improve the distribution of information to residents in order to make it easier to understand how Césal works as a whole...
Action Logement offers €1,000 in financial aid to support young workers
Are you under 25 years old and have a student job or work experience? As a tenant in the Césal residences, you can apply for the new Action Logement housing aid! In order to help young working people pay their rent, Action Logement has set up a financial aid of €1,000 for them. If you meet the following criteria...
What should I do if I have symptoms of COVID-19?
If you feel the symptoms of the disease, described in the illustration opposite, you must first of all contact the Ecoles Paris-Saclay prevention and care doctor by e-mail, regardless of the institution to which you belong:
Doctor Le Goff: yann.le-goff@centralesupelec.fr (click here)
Housing assistance
By renting one of our accommodations, you can apply for student housing assistance from the Caisse des Allocations Familiales (CAF).
In accordance with the current agreement that Césal has with this institution, the amount of the aid will be paid directly to us and then deducted from your notice of payment.
If you live with Césal residential, the amount of the aid will be paid to the tenant himself.
All applications for housing benefit are made directly on the CAF website (click here), which also allows you to estimate the amount of aid that may be granted to you (click here), depending on your resources.
The allocation of student housing benefit depends on the tenant's own resources, not those of their parents/legal guardians, even if they are attached to their tax household.
Note that if the parents/legal guardians are liable for the Impôt sur la Fortune Immobilière (IFI) and the tenant is attached to their tax household, then he/she will not be able to receive housing benefit.
As soon as you move into your new home, Césal or Césal Résidentiel will provide you with a completed rent certificate. This should be attached to your online application on the Caf website(https://wwwd.caf.fr/wps/portal/caffr/aidesetservices/lesservicesenligne/faireunedemandedeprestation#/logement). For your application to be processed in the best possible way, it is essential that you fill in all the information about your landlord (including the SIRET number).
Please note that the first month of your tenancy is a waiting month for which you will not receive housing benefit. So if you apply online in September, your housing benefit will only be calculated from October.
If you change accommodation during your tenancy, even if you change to the same type of accommodation as your previous one, you must make a new full application for housing benefit. We will then provide you with a new rent certificate showing the date you moved into your new accommodation. You must do this as soon as possible to ensure that your entitlements continue. click here
Contact us
1 rue Joliot-Curie, 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette
+33 (0) 1 85 37 07 12
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Mise à jour de nos tarifs au 1er juillet 2024
À compter du 1er juillet 2024, nos tarifs évolueront afin de refléter les ajustements nécessaires basés sur les indices et régulations officiels.