
What are the tasks of the SSIAP officer?

The SSIAP agent carries out the tasks necessary for the protection of all residents: fire prevention; awareness of fire safety and assistance to people; basic maintenance of fire safety equipment; alerting and receiving emergency services; evacuating the public; early intervention in the event of a fire; assistance to people within the establishment where he/she works; operation of the fire safety control centre.

Contact us

1 rue Joliot-Curie, 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette

+33 (0) 1 85 37 07 12

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Reception opening hours :

Lundi au Jeudi : 9h00 – 13h30 / 15h30 – 18h00
Le vendredi : 9h00 – 13h30 / 15h30 – 17h00

Telephone: 01 85 37 07 12

Email :

Address: 1 Rue Joliot-Curie, 91190 Gif sur Yvette 

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